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California Passes AB 685 COVID-19 Bill

​Please note as of September 29, 2022, AB 2693 extended AB 685 dates. Read more here

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, the State of California is working to enforce elements of COVID-19 management and controls. At this time, you may be aware of SB 1159 which requires employers to report employee COVID-19 cases to their workers compensation claims administrator. Another reporting bill, AB 685, goes into effect on January 1, 2021. This bill requires employers to notify employees of potential COVID-19 exposures in the workplace and to report outbreaks to the local public health department.

Please review the employer notice and reporting requirements below.

AB 685 COVID-19 Employer Notice & Reporting Requirements

Go to our website at www.bhhc.com to report a claim online, by email, or by phone. Keep in mind, COVID-19 regulations and guidance are a dynamic evolving issue; make sure you research the CDC and/or OSHA websites for the most current information.

For additional information, please reach out to Loss Control at losscontrol@bhhc.com and visit the Cal/OSHA FAQs website.

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